
Hot buttered soy milk

I could use a little reminder. I miss a lot of things… Only the moments unphotographed, that I swore to myself I’d remember so I can recall at a later time, but I think I’ve lost commitment to myself. And my promises to myself. I keep giving them up thinking I have more priorities. Not much is more important than treating myself well, I’ve realized. I’ve doubted for so long the love toward me from so many around me. I have wonderful families in my life. One of which has had it’s own random issues, perhaps distractions, but I completely understand that and relate. It’s no excuse to treat a person the ways one might, but also that, the sudden outbreaks of disrespect, I can identify to. It’s a shame humans are capable of such flawed and vicious labors of interaction. Yet inevitable, these words sometimes are the most meaningful and expressive. It’s a shame we give in. It’s a damn shame we are imperfect. That’s what’s interesting, it keeps things cycling. It makes some situations memorable, in a terrible way but also educational. If we weren’t exposed to this knowledge of other beings’ problems, we would be unaware of our own… and wonder forever how to resolve what we can’t describe. It’s a curse, and it’s a gift.